Bateman, Robert

Baltimore Oriole and Plum Blossoms

Price: $ 113.00 USD
Size: See Options
Artist: Bateman, Robert
Edition: See Options

Golden Eagle Art Gallery is pleased to offer an extensive collection of world-renowned artworks by Canadian wildlife artist, Robert Bateman.  World-travelled and well versed, Bateman always tells a great story about each of his creations. Here is what he has to say about this piece: 

"I can't explain it, but this is the first major Baltimore oriole I have painted since I did a little painting of birds in our backyard at the age of 14. Come to think of it, there are many colourful, well-known birds I have not painted. In the case of this oriole, it is about time. It's cheerful, flute-like chirps are one of my many joyous memories of a childhood in nature. Upon hearing the bird, my eyes would usually go up to the branches of a tall, spreading elm. I would be looking for the deep, woven cup of a nest. Now the elms are virtually extinct due to Dutch elm disease, but the orioles are thankfully still doing fine."

- Robert Bateman