Lumbers, James

Out on a Limb (2ndM)

Price: N/A
Size: 20" x 24"
Artist: Lumbers, James
Edition: 490 S/N Paper Prints

"An interesting old mansion stands not far from my home at the end of Cherry Hill Road. It is from the red brick that characterised Ontario homes of an earlier period, the mansion has since been abandoned and posted as 'No Trespassing'. We are shown a glimpse of this home which still offers a curious sense of wonder for these two playful young cats. Perhaps they feel the presence of other cats that have lived there before as they mischievously try to figure out a way to explore inside. The wandering limbs of a hundred-year old chestnut tree provide this pair of kittens with an interesting angle to the world inside. Maybe they won't venture in today but soon, they will be back until their curiosity gets the better of them."

- James Lumbers