Bateman, Robert

Summertime - Polar Bear

Price: N/A
Size: 14" x 22¾"
Artist: Bateman, Robert
Edition: 950 S/N Paper Print

Golden Eagle Art Gallery is pleased to offer an extensive collection of world-renowned artworks by Canadian wildlife artist, Robert Bateman.  World-travelled and well versed, Bateman always tells a great story about each of his creations. Here is what he has to say about this piece:

"Summer in the Arctic is wonderful. The days are long, and the plants and animals almost seem to be rushing to accomplish their activities before the coming of winter. After the long, dark winter out on the sea ice, the polar bears are able to come inland and enjoy a more varied diet. The winter food is almost entirely seals, but summertime brings small mammals, birds and eggs as well as a variety of plant life. It is an easy time for the bears."

- Robert Bateman