Lumbers, James

The Perfect Spot (2ndM)

Price: N/A
Size: 18" x 21-1/2"
Artist: Lumbers, James
Edition: 1500 S/N Paper Print

"I seem like just about everything in life has changed since I was a child. The exceptions being a couple old secluded places from days gone by... places untouched by modern times. One such location is a park that I used to frequent a long time ago; sometimes with my family like the scene I have painted; other times with my grandfather.

I remember hiking with him all day until we found 'The Perfect Spot' and once everything was in place, we'd enjoy a swim or sometimes a little fishing before our evening meal. I can still picture him sitting there as if it was yesterday. Rod in hand, and that ever-present look of contentment on his face."

- James Lumbers